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Cartoon Mike

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  1. Thank you guys for your helpful comments. I bought Affinity 2 a few hours ago and may try some of these workarounds, although I can probably wait a week or so as I am not in a rush to use the programs this week.
  2. I have been watching this discussion about MSI installers for a few weeks now. I have used Affinity for various projects and have had no issues with this excellent software. However, I recently started to develop an interest in creating cartoons using Cartoon Animator 5 and I was happy to learn that I could use Affinity to edit the characters that I create, until I realised there was this MSI issue. As the deadline is approaching to get the introductory offer, I guess I am going to be forced to buy now. I just hope that all the promises will turn out to be true and that Affinity 2 will work well with CTA5.
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