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  1. building for all distros can be a nightmare, would have to deal with what ever dependencies they have etc, i would rather they take the easy path and use flatpak so it runs on all distros and can be easily updated
  2. Ya can't wait maybe with more funding they can increase the development speed
  3. Oh wow just found my solution GIMP 3 seems to fix most of my problems with GIMP. The beta is on flatpak finally can ditch windows and Adobe
  4. at this point i think we are better off donating to GIMP to have more full time devs that way we don' t need to rely on companies, something like how blender is becoming very good alternative to payed software.
  5. what codecs? many professionals use resolve just fine so not sure whats missing? unless you are talking about the free version? resolve was made for linux only later ported to other OS
  6. yes this is why i say there is a missing market that serif could fill that Adobe has not even bothered to do
  7. How is it that a lot of the VFX software has Linux versions or started on Linux like da Vinci resolve etc ? This is a missed market
  8. Does anyone know if they have plans for Linux versions ? Or do i continue to dual boot and use Adobe products ? I would switch to affinity if it ran on Linux but since I have to use win night as well continue using Adobe
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