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  1. @Roberto Sdul Exactly, this is soo much used that this needs to work. Hope it works out in the upcoming build.
  2. Thanks all. I guess I just have to work with it slightly differently and all will be fine.
  3. @myclay Yeahh!! Drag drop also works too, and it shows as 'Add image' which it should show also while placing image using 'Place' from 'File'. But I do get the placement options right at the end of the tab.
  4. @carl123 Yup, copy/paste works. With this, I think the same problem is affecting my previous macros, cause all have the place image action. Will need to modify macros then. Thanx a lot for the help.
  5. I am trying to record a macro which involved placing a photo from a folder. Previous Affinity was able to do so, but in Affinity 2 I am getting an error which reads, 'Macro Error:- Can't Add image'. How am I going to add an image now, is there any other way to do so? Secondly, My generated macros from Affinity 1 are not working in Affinity 2. Just pressing it crashes it. Now since Affinity 2 starts as a standalone app I don't where are the crash files being stored. So please just tell me, how add photo in Affinity 2 if place photo doesn't work now and is there a way to use previous macros in Affinity 2
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