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Everything posted by Mischugo

  1. Selbst wenn ich mit Affinity öfter arbeiten würde, hätte ich wenig Freude. Das liegt nicht an den überaus guten Funktionen. Die sind soweit ich das bisher gesehen habe echt super. Aber, der Workflow, sich zurechtzufinden, das Konzept des Workflows ... Dieich habe damit Mega Probleme. Alleine das Thema mit den Paletten macht mich kirre Oder Exportieren... Gruselig. Ich arbeite inzwischen fast ausschließlich mit Figma. Klar, kann man bezüglich der Funktionen natürlich nicht vergleichen. Aber die Usability schon. Ein Träumchen.
  2. Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Funktioniert so leider auch nicht. Es "flackern" lediglich mal die Konturen rot auf, das war es aber auch schon. Da es schon mal (bei der Ersterstellung) funktioniert hat, vermute ich inzwischen einen Zusammenhang mit dem Artboard. Es geht auch nicht um auswählen eines Objects hinter einem anderen. Nur einfach auswählen und an der Boder / dem Rahmen sehen können dass es aktiv ist. Das man darüber überhaupt nachdenken und Hilfe holen muss 🙈 Aber das ist ja auch nicht meine einzige Baustelle mit Affinity
  3. Hallo allerseits, ich habe massive Probleme mit der Bedienung der Software. Sicher auch, weil ich nur ganz selten damit arbeite. Das wiederum, weil ich of verzweifle. Ich habe mehrere Artboards. Darauf verschiedene Logovarianten. Gewohnt bin ich seit je - cmd + klick auf Objekt, und es ist ausgewählt. Das geht so nicht. Ich muss zwingend über die Ebenen gehen. Kann sich irgendwo in den Settings etwas verstellt haben? Danke
  4. Moin allerseits, ich bekomme gerade extrem Kopfschmerzen, weil ich die in der Hilf ausgeschriebene Anleitung zum Abschalten o.a. Funktion nicht finde. Unter den Settings -> Werkzeuge finde ich es einfach nicht Nicht Leinwand nicht drehen .. nichts.. Suche ich falsch? Habe ich ein alte Version? Ist die Hilfe veraltetet? Ein-/Ausschalten der Ansichtsrotation für das Dokument mit Scrollrad: Wählen Sie im Menü Affinity Photo die Option Einstellungen aus und aktivieren/deaktivieren Sie unter Werkzeuge die Option Drehen der Leinwand mit + Scrollrad aktivieren.
  5. Nun bin ich auch betroffen. Es funktioniert überhaupt nicht. Und wenn es nicht am Mac / MacBook liegen sollte, dann finde ich die ganze Angelegenheit höchst unprofessionell. Im ColorSync Ordner sollte alles vorhanden sein. In Beiden Programmen AP und AD sind unterschiedliche Profile, und manche überhaupt nicht. Und Profile über den Weg des Progamm-Pakets installieren? Echt jetzt? 🙈
  6. I think I ask this question every year and I don't give up hope. Since the beginning of Affinity programs there is a desire for a tidy user interface. Arranging palettes / windows. And exactly since then, it still doesn't work. Combine palettes in a user friendly block, move them together and dock them to the main window accordingly .... ? No way. How can you help the Affinity team with this? With examples? They should know them, right? Since I am again lost in the maze of palettes and have lost so much time, I will write my document (in publisher) using the Office functions of Google. Almost a blessing Stay safe!
  7. Thank you, that's what I was thinking about. The tutorials on "refine" made me think that went particularly well with it. Because you can just avoid the tedious manual work with it. But, as they confirm, nothing has really changed in the procedure Nevertheless, it still bothers me a lot that already masked areas are changed... That could be worked on, couldn't it? And, it would be great, if Affinity brings out a special brush set for it
  8. Thank you very much. And that is exactly how it is. I make it exact until 02:00 in the video And exactly then I have the representation like in my screen (see above) In relation to the video, the lower edge of the mouth loses its mask again (see Hair in my screen (3) 😞
  9. Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the hint. So I had the setting. Attached is a screenshot with the steps in the order I saw in the tutorials Mask, refine Show mask Terrible
  10. Hello, I'm watching a lot of tutorials on cropping right now. Especially hair. Unfortunately, none of them work for me. Are there any presets that need to be fixed beforehand in the preferences? So, selecting a person with brush (W) goes. Then refine the hair area and select further doesn't work, because all areas that were already selected before are partially undone. So if you click on apply, you have a smear at the "edge" ziwchen hair and background. Thanks
  11. As a default setting? WHO like this? Thank you, I know there is a manual. With all due respect. All of life is a manuel. If you've been driving many different cars for 20 years, and now you switch again to another brand... what do you expect when you get in and start to drive? That it will go backwards? And then someone tells you... look in the manual.... Haha - if you want to make learned things worse... then look at Affinity....
  12. Hi, I have permanently a blue semi-transparent circle at my input. no matter if pen, text or whatever. Just like in a screen presentation. I can't find anything to turn it off. And it's really annoying. And only with Affinity 🙈 Thanks
  13. Hello, is there any way to link AD and Ap? So working in AD as the master composing document and get images from AP, without using copy and paste? Like Auto-update! Like in FinalCut and Motion? Or After-Effects and Illustrator Thanks Mischugo
  14. Thank you very much. The Picker-Toll remains a "mystery" for me. The way it is designed, I can't remember it. And since for many of these reasons very little "work" with Affinity is also a "problem" every time ... But, that is another topic 🙂
  15. Ahaaaa... the picker gives me the original color (black in the screenshot), but not the info from the layer. There I find the setting 50%. I would have expected that Color black, but in the slider then 50%. So it would make sense for me sponatn. Or the hint to the layer Nevertheless. Problem solved - Thank you!
  16. Kann mir irgendwer erklären wie ich an die exacten Farbdaten und Anzeige der Buchstaben im Bild komme? Ehrlich gesagt finde ich, auch 2021 sind die Tools von Serif intuitiv wie eine Eisenbahnschiene. Sorry, ich finde keine passende Worte für den Frust Can anyone explain to me how to get the exact color data and display of the letters in the image? Honestly, even in 2021, I think Serif's tools are as intuitive as a railroad track. Sorry, I can not find the right words for the frustration
  17. Font not available Installed font is not available in Designer In Afinity's other apps, yes. In all other apps on the computer yes. Is this a feature or a bug? The help file on the topic is also not correct as I see it. Open the font management: Select Manage Fonts from the Document menu. In my version of Affinity Designer there is no "Document menu" Inappropriate wording maybe
  18. I have no idea what the affinity programs do in the background ... 😞 I have a christmas cap as .EPS. Colored. Open in AD - all in grayscale... (?) Affinity Feature? I tried to convert the file or profile... nothing. Open in Gravit-Designer - looks like it should look like. Preview in Finder - correct. And the help pages in Affinity with the 7pct font are too tiring to read. Close and open the software - no effect But I have found nothing either Any ideas...?
  19. Thanks, What an effort ... I need to select every single layer and then rasterize and trim it ..... Ha ha. I think I need to get back to Photoshop after all
  20. First of all thanks for your help. But I guess I'm too stupid, because I can't follow you exactly. Maybe I also think it's too complicated, because Affinity doesn't offer a "simple" solution On the left side you can see the state I do NOT want to have. Because what do I need Affinity Photo for, if it prints the pictures in the original format. On the right you can see the output format. Each layer should be output in this format and with the correct layer name. That's all there is to it
  21. Hi, I'm going crazy. I have 60 motifs in different sizes for a presentation. I have an APhoto file 4k-UHD. All images loaded into the file -> 60 layers. Each layer has its own name. Now I want to output ALL layers in 4k-UHD format with one click. I can not do it. Maybe the program is too simple for that and I make it too complicated? In Photoshop I would be finished for a long time. In the meantime I have started to export EACH layer individually. But I can't do that in time because the export takes forever. Now, I need to move the praesentation to next week :-(
  22. Lieben Dank für die ausführliche Info. Ich taste mich mal daran. Mit APub bin ich nicht vertraut und finde es nach wie vor immer wieder etwas umständlich, was Serif sich da zusammen schraubt. 1a Features, aber der Workflow / GUI / Settings dann doch im Detail etwas schwierig ... Danke nochmals
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