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  1. I wanted to add some end notes to a business plan I'm writing. I started going through the Affinity video tutorial on YouTube, and didn't get very far. In the video the "Notes" option is under the "References" menu item on the "Window" menu. However, When I click on the "Window" menu, I don't have anywhere near the same number of options displayed in the tutorial video. Is there a setting or action I need to take to enable "References" and "Notes"? I attached a screen shot with the "Window" menu drop down for reference. Right now I'm running Affinity Publisher 1.10.5 on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7... Thanks!
  2. Alrighty... That was easy... Bruce nailed it! I saved the file, exited Designer, closed all of my windows. Executed a restart. Started Designer, and opened the file. The options are now fully available. Thanks All...
  3. I just started using it last night. Downloaded it and completed the install yesterday. This was my first trial project / use of the software. I did not reboot after the installation. I'll try that now before using the corrected file. Thanks Bruce... Mike
  4. I haven't done this before, so hopefully the link will work... https://www.dropbox.com/s/8d9zzonwjcqgrpp/Bible Study Worksheet.afpub?dl=0 Mike
  5. The mystery continues... I tried method two as outlined by NathanC, and still no field was inserted. See Screen Shot. I did confirm there was a cursor blinking inside the box. I have also attached a full screen shot, per Gary's note, of the first method, which I tried again with the same result. Working on the dropbox link... Thanks Guys...
  6. I'm new to Affinity Publisher and am trying out the trial version to see if it will work for my application. I want to add page numbers to a work book I'm designing. Here are the steps I've take so far: 1. Created a Master and applied to all pages in the document. 2. Added a text box to the master and double checked to make sure the cursor was inside the box and blinking. 3. Added the leading text "Page Number" and a space after the leading text. 4. Using the Text menu, went down to Insert and then Field. 5. The Page Number option is there, but grayed out. I double checked and the cursor is still inside the box. Is this a limitation with the trial version, or am I doing something wrong and perhaps missed a step? Screen Shot attached... Thanks Much... In Advance... Mike
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