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  1. Thanks everyone for your help. I did not know that it was my problem. I thought it was a glitch in the software. Actually, how it makes no sense to me so I will not be using it again. I was using Section Manager to help with organizing. From what I understand now, it is not for that purpose. I followed Walt's advice of deleting bad sections and the program crashed and for some odd reason, I lost all of my text styles, they simply disappeared and it went back to default. So I have lost a lot of work and a lot of time. My approach will be different to save myself and I won't be worrying about beta bugs again. Once again, thanks for the help.
  2. Hopefully not to continue being too dim, what I am saying is that at this point that in the section manager where it says start on page number, I enter the number, it automatically gives one page ie., 39-39, What I had been doing previously is going to the next section and entering the start on page number for that section, ie. 48 and the section before (39-39) would correct to be 39-47. The program is not allowing me to change the "start on page number" away from what IT has already determined. I have added 100 extra pages but that makes no difference. If I go to enter a new number, it simply does not change. so please tell me how I am to fix it? It does not ask for the ending page unless I am not seeing it or I don't understand that there is another place to set up the sections before the section manager performs.
  3. Reply to both: Mike TO. here is the full sections. Walt. farrell. I wanted section 8 to begin on 44 section 7 was pages 37-43. I was trying to get the manager to "unstick", if you will.
  4. build ..1781 I am using the section manager to organize a planner. It worked without a hitch up to section 6. I reached section 7 which should begin on page 44 and the page number will not be accepted. I can type in 44 in the box, hit enter and it goes back to 37. If I use the radio button to restart numbering instead of continue numbering, you can see the result. I am unable to continue with the Section Setup. I have not attempted to reproduce this result in a new document. I am using Windows 11 (latest updates) desktop Acer computer i5 with 12GB ram.
  5. Thanks for sharing your work.
  6. I am having the same difficulty. I watched some of the designer/desktop videos a couple of weeks ago and when I returned to them yesterday and now today, they do not show, just a black screen. I am using Firefox latest version on Windows 11. Although I can't say I'm a chrome fan, I will try to view them. If they work, I will let you know.
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