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Everything posted by Albo

  1. Hello, How can I disable " noise reduction" when I open RAW images. It is always on and I have to turn it off manually everytime. Thanks. Alain
  2. Hello, I have two layers in my document. I need to apply levels or other adjustments to only one layer. Currently when I want to add levels it will make a levels layer on top and apply it to both. Thanks UPDATE: OK. I found it. Made the levels layer and then draged it on top of the layer I wanted to target.
  3. It works. Thanks. Is there a fix on the way. It would be nice to choose a resolution for export. Same as document or...
  4. I can't seem to export a 300 dpi TIFF for print. I change the resolution in the document setting. When I export it reverts back to 72 dpi. I tried numerous times but it is not a 300 dpi. Actually when you export there is no setting for dpi ? How do i export a TIFF at 300 dpi !!!
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