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Everything posted by Albo

  1. I found my brush after a lot of searching. So I can confirm that this option would be a real time saver and practical!
  2. Ok. Good to know. I will brush up my note taking. Indeed, at least I can see the stroke which will help me track it down. Thanks.
  3. What I would find really usefull is being able to see what brush was used for a stroke. Can we allready see this? I am trying to find which brush was used on a stroke in AFD. I can select the stroke in the layers but it won't tell me which brush. I know I should have noted it but there...
  4. Hello, Just wondering if I should update while I am still with Catalina.
  5. So overlay works fine on the texture but once I drag it into my vector layer. Nothing. I am doing something wrong. I will start from scratch. Texture is dragged inside vector it is not on top. Layers 2 image.
  6. Hello, I imported a texture in AFD--> Pixel The texture is light white. My shape is made in AFD--> Vector When I drag my shape unto the texture it works fine for the texture but I lose my shape color (green). Recolorize works best at the moment. What is the best method for adding a texture to the shape and preserve the color of the shape and stroke width color control? In the process I lost the ability to manage my stroke.
  7. Thanks to you both. That's it. I have my own shortcut for duplicate layer. I wasn't using command+J That works.
  8. It is a pixel layer. I can copy the selection and paste it into another layer. I just have a memory of making a selection in a pixel layer and when I duplicate the layer only the selection is copied over to the new Layer. I might be wrong.
  9. I use to be able to make a selection and duplicate the layer. The new layer only had the selection part. Maybe I changed some setting but now I get the whole layer duplicated and not just the selection. Missing something ? Thanks
  10. I downloaded some textures I believe and forgot about it.
  11. I hadn't noticed I was still connected to my Affinity account. Disconnecting solved most of the problems. Might not be related but in any case. Solved 95 %. Thank you.
  12. Indeed there are some groups which expand. The go way beyond 2400 X 2400. I'm exporting different layers and some export fine. Others not. I found a workaround for now. Thanks for your help.
  13. No drop shadow. I am having all sorts of issues so it might be something else. First time all these problems pop-up!
  14. Sorry for that. On Mac: Catalina latest. For some reason I am having all sorts of problems that I didn't have before. I will erae all the preferences and see if that helps. I didn't change anything or added any software.
  15. When I select the zoom tool I can't select any other shortcuts afterwards. I am on a pen layer. Zoomed in to be more precise. Pressed P or A....Nothing. Pressed V...Nothing. I am stuck with the zoom tool. If I select the layer with the image then all my shortcuts work. It toggles between the last two. Is this a preferences option I should select? Question: Is it because I am on the pen layer? If so, it is not very practical if I have to jump back to my image layer to regain control of my shortcuts. Thanks.
  16. Hello, I am trying to export a simple shape. Document size: 2288 X 1287 Only one layer is selected. Only one object group is selected. When I export using selected object only it gives me 2400 X 2400.
  17. Thanks to all of you. Pretty basic...For some reason I wasn't looking at the right place. Mitre setting wasn"t good. Solved.
  18. Hello, Any reason why my triangle is not pointed in Affinity photo? I can do this in ADesigner. Thanks,
  19. Hello, Does anybody else have this issue: Shortcuts will work and then will not.
  20. Seem's to me that this should be resolved. A lock layer should not editable.
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