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  1. Oh, wow. I haven't seen that other link and read about the icons. What an odd design choice. I can see why there is some frustration in the forums.
  2. I haven't purchased Affinity 2 yet, but it sounds like the Affinity 2 installer creates some sort of Start Menu entry in Windows. If that's the case, you should be able to open the Start menu and scroll to your app name. Then, left click and hold the app icon to drag and drop a shortcut anywhere on your desktop for quick launch. Unless Serif did something weird with the installer, you can generally use that trick with any software that doesn't create a shortcut on the desktop but has a Start Menu entry.
  3. Have the Affinity workbooks been discontinued? The workbooks haven't been available since Black Friday of 2021. I was hoping to purchase the workbooks and learn the software. I prefer using textbooks versus videos when learning a suite of software, especially if the internet can be a source of frustration. If anyone has information regarding workbook availability, I would greatly appreciate it.
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