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John Calendo

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  1. Affinity Photo 2 will recognize A7R5 files shot as Compressed Raw, but only those. Lossless is unrecognized. Friends tell me Photoshop and Lightroom recognize all files from this camera since December 2022. When will Affinity 2 do the same? Thanks.
  2. William, my information about A4 is an impression of what I heard on YouTube videos. I'm new to trim sizes and can not speak with authority on the subject. Yes, the book I'm working on is a novel I authored. It is the first of four, a quartet. All four books are finished and now I'm looking to hire a copy/story editor and a cover designer. Thank you for the links to your work. I will check them out. My Publisher design will follow the standard form of novels and include all the standard features of Front Matter: half-page, a full title page, and so forth. Though I've learned it's old-fashioned and can often slide into pretentiousness, my Front Matter will have an epigraph page. Also a dedication and an acknowledgement page. So yes, I want my book to look like a book that came out of an industry publishing company. A Recommendation on Printers: Get a laser printer. The ink lasts forever. Ink jet printers, which offer color, I found to be pointless and pointlessly expensive. The ink dries out whether you use the printer or not. I don't have much need for physical print, so the printer is used very rarely. Because it's a laser printer, the ink hasn't dried out. Eventually after x amount of prints, the ink drum (?) will need to be replaced with a new one. FYI, the printer I use is Brother HL-L2370DW, black and white prints only. I bought it a few years ago so the product line may be updated. I'm very satisfied with this printer. By the way, I write about old movies on substack. You can check it out here: https://movieland.substack.com/ You will be prompted to subscribe but you don't have to. A subscription is absolutely free. I started this substack to find an audience for my quartet, which is a magical reality tale about movies.
  3. Hi, William. I looked at my paperback collection. The trim sizes of the books were those prescribed by the Amazon KDP Print on Demand service, namely 5.25 x 8 inches, which was the most popular trim size of the many paperbacks I own, as well as 5.5 x 8.5" and 6 x 9". I found 6x9 unwieldily, and a bit clumsy to hold. 5.5 x 8.5 was fine, but it was an eccentric size in my paperback collection ( I only found one book that size.) As far as the A4 size, my understanding is that A4 is a standard novel size in the U.K. I am an American and had to create my own 5.25 x 8" preset. It would be nice if Affinity added the American presets as part of their standard offerings. I tried out various serif fonts for the text. And I was watching many YouTubes of people laying out novels, not just in Affinity Publisher but in other programs as well. One man mentioned Adobe Caslon Pro. And I tried it out. It had an airy simplicity, and many weight sizes, particularly Semibold Italic, which I am using for chapter titles. I preferred it to the other candidates I was trying out, namely EB Garamond (which looked frail), Baskerville (too fancy for easy reading), and the old stand-by Times New Roman (too reminiscent of school and text books.). In my readings on fonts, I came across an authoritative piece that said Caslon was the most popular font "by far" among book designers. That clinched it. I used two novels as my models: For stylistic things like chapter numbers and epigraphs, I'm using Ian McEwan's "The Comfort of Strangers." For text size, I'm using Gore Vidal's "Julian." Originally, I entered the text in size 12 and opened up the leading from the default 14 pt to 18 pt. And while that look pleasant and easy to read on the computer screen, I noticed the Vidal text was much smaller and the leading trimmer. I estimated the text to be 11 pt and set the leading to "auto", which turns out to be approximately 13 pt. That's when I printed out the page -- or I should say the text frame -- which prompted this question. To my surprise, 11 pt looked fine. Very much inline with the Vidal novel. I've experimented with different fonts for Chapter numbers... currently I'm trying out Bodoni 72 Book Regular for chapter numbers, which being large and graphic on the page (28 pt) benefit from Bodoni's elegant stylizations. I'm also using the font for the page numbers, which being small (12 pt) show less of the Bodoni stylings.
  4. I corrected the problem by switching off Optical Alignment, as per this video, below. Now the A falls completely inside the text frame. The document is set for a novel, 5.25 x 8 inch, with standard margins. I've set up Master pages with text frames, and styles for the body, the headings, and so forth. I will eventually present the finish product as a pdf to a print house. A pdf of the page looks fine. It's when I printed out the Publisher document that I saw the cut A. I had enabled Optical Alignment in my body style without understanding exactly what it does. I assumed it put sentences on the left page at the same level as sentences on the right page. If anyone know of a good tutorial on Optical Alignment, I'd be happy to study it. Update: I now figured out what happened. I wanted to print out a page, just one page to see if an 11 pt font was too small. I thought I selected the entire page, but I believe now I only selected the text frame. Thus, the flush left cap A's were cut off, as were leading quote marks, as they fell a smidge outside of the margin lines. I hope this helps anyone else, new to this program, who makes the same mistake. I turned Optical Alignment back on. I see it keeps the outer margin of each page subtly straight looking.
  5. Absolute Newbie here. When the capitol letter "A" begins a sentence and is flush to the left margin, a small part of it exceeds the margin and does not print. Is there a setting to get these letters in line? FYI, I'm using a serif font, Adobe Caslon Pro, at 11 pt.
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