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Omar Alamoudi

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  1. Hello @EmilyGoater, It is great to hear from you here too :). I prefer your suggested approach. In fact, I was wondering if data merger will ever have conditional implementation where your idea will be implemented better. I'll try what you suggested, and let you know if it works. Before I implement this, I anticipate a problem since I'm using facing pages. This has to do with the margin dimensions. Right now, I have my present with asymmetrical margins (outer != inner), but I'll see if I can find a way around that. Thanks again
  2. Thanks @Old Bruce for the reply. I tried that too, it still didn't work. I used all of the options available in the "Apply Master" panel, I check "Replace Existing", and unchecked it, migrated content, and cleared it. I even duplicated the grouping structure and made sure the layer names match. No success so far
  3. Hello, I am trying to design a photo book using Affinity Publisher. I have a csv with the path to the photos, captions, titles, city, date, etc. I used the Data merge layout tool to place a single picture frame and two text frames. The layout accommodated landscape pictures well, but not portrait pictures. After merging the data, I made a master page that works better with the portrait pictures. I made sure that the layer names match, and figured that I could utilized the smart master pages to apply the new layout to the pages containing the portrait pictures. Well, when I drag and drop the new master pages, the layout isn't applied to the existing content. Instead, new frames are added to the pages without modifying the page content. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks @jmwellborn. I tried to search the forum before posting anything, I wasn't successful in finding this issue discussed elsewhere. My search might have been narrow as I was targeting drag and drop not unsplash. I just tried one of the other stock sites, and they work. Thanks!
  5. I'm using a trial licensed Affinity Publisher 1.9.1 on macOS. I am unable to drag and drop from stock. This is quite frustrating given that I'm trying to evaluate to purchase the software. See Attaché gif.
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