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  1. Hello, could you tell me how to make "style"? It's a bit of a ps hatch, but I don't know how to make it in designer.



    1. StuartRc


      Hi, Sure 

      Building Patterns
      Under the thread 'Style and Brush Assets: Camouflage II' There is an instruction sheet on how to build seamless patterns. This should help you if starting from the beginning.

      1. Set up a rectangle in new file say 100mm x 100mm or whatever you prefer
      2. Set attribute values (Stroke and fill to 'None')..otherwise these will be added to the style
      3. Select the vector object
      4. Select Fill (G key)
      5. on Context Menu set Context Type:Fill and set Fill Type to Bitmap.
      6. This should add a seamless (.png or .jpg) file to the vector object
      7. Make sure Proportional scaling is on and Extend is set to Wrap
      8. Test the pattern then reset or reimport
      9 Select vector object now with bitmap pattern then:

      Styles add
      1. Activate Style Panel
      2. Create a new Category from small 'hamburger' | 3 bar menu
      3. From same menu select Add Style from selection

      You can use adjustment layers to recolour the object so that you are not restricted to the same colours found in Affinity Resources

      Hope this helps:)

    2. CKShaw


      Thank you very much.

      I'll try it later. There may be some problems with the software, and I hope to consult you again at that time.:):)

  2. 你好! 画板工具 拖动 确定之后,没有被拖动的 画板也会出现闪屏的情况,而且整个画面都会闪屏。不知道是不是BUG 如下图,我拖动 画板2 ,两个画板1也会出现 闪动。
  3. 您好! 一、关于文字的兼容支持的一些建议: 1、我在工作中多数都是使用中文进行排版设计,所以我需要文字的 竖向排版功能,【文字方向】。(目前所有中国人使用软件都非常需要的功能) 2、需要对 字体兼容【变量字体】 3、对中文的标点符号规则优化,如中文的标点符号不可以出现在第一行的第一个字。 二、关于图片置入的建议: 1、让图片可以任意变形,这样可以在设计中做简单的贴图处理。 以上建议我认为 可以满足大多数创意需求。希望可以得到重视。
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