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Radek K

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  1. Closing this thread will lead to more confusion and frustration from new users who just figured out about this problem. This thread should be open at least until Serif publish clear statement about this feature so anyone can easliy get to now, that there is no footnotes and endnotes, and when Serif plan to introduce them.
  2. That's not the problem. A-Publisher isn't new program anymore. Serif is aware about that issue and they have plenty of time to add this essential feature. It's seams that only reasonable explanation is that they want to add it to new version. And you confirm that it's essential by suggesting to use word processor as workaround. Even free Google Docs have footnotes, but professional publishing software don't.
  3. 1. It still false marketing (many people belive it is). 2. If you start project and then realize (like myselfe) there is no footnotes feature you are screwed. 3. If you realize there is no footnotes feature after 14 days you are screwed. 4. If you just want to use A-Publisher but you can't becouse it's lacking key features for "proffesional publishing software" it's a pity.
  4. Recently my Adobe subscription ended and I decided to buy A-Designer, and try A-Publisher. So far I was quite pleased with it. Now I'm totally shocked that "professional publishing software" lacks so essential feature! This type of features are the ones thats define professional publishing software. Simple things like one paged calendars etc. can be done in any software, you dont need DTP for it. I'm making ~100 page report in A-Publisher. But there is a ton of footnotes, infographics etc. Is there any workaround, external plugin or script, anything? I can't imagine creating all footnotes and endnotes manually. That's just not worth the time and if there is no solution, I will have to renew my Adobe subscription, but I don't want to do it.
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