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wally & elva

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  1. Wally here......I only speak English...Sorry
  2. My name is Wally at wrecio.recio@gmail.com. I have 12 years experience with photoshop editing with other labels. I am very curdious about the way facebook introuduced you new background eraser. I purchased it right away after the demo. Ever since my purchase on Oct 13, I have been unable to open Affinity because it does not recognize the Key Product given. Can we please get together and tell me what went wrong on your end? Thank you very much. I am at my home office 24-7. Day or night Pacific Time, Anaheim CA 92804.
  3. Thank you very much. It does not look like I downloaded the right Affinity. I am not sure. Please refresh my memory of how to screenshot. I am 80 years old and have forgotten some things I haven't used in 10 years. Wally and Elva.
  4. I just purchased and downloaded my new Affinity Photo, but it will not accept the Product Key that came with it.
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