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  1. Thank you Walt. I had updated both apps quite recently and had not restarted for a while, so decided to restart the computer. After that the Studio Link worked, so all is well. Being able to adjust photos easily from Publisher is really the function I was after, and that you can do it right in the Publisher page is really brilliant! Also interesting, the edit the whole page option... Thanks!
  2. I use a Mac, and bought Publisher from Affinity, and Photo apparently from the AppStore since it updates from there. Both are updated to current versions 1.83. I am just learning Publisher. I have an expired trial version of Designer that I do not want since it does not allow dimensioning (at least when I tried it some times ago). All three icons show up in Publisher, but are not linked. When I click Photo, I get a dialog saying I need to update to get Studio Link, showing Photo and Designer icons. How do I get them to link? BTW, is there somewhere in the menus, like in InDesign, where you can click a photo in Publisher, and go to "Edit with...."or is this a function of Studio link? I use that feature all the time for fine-tuning in InDesign, and hope this has similar. Thank you!
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