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  1. Thanks for the quick reply! Pinning feature? Can you give me some more details? I use the software in german So what's the appropriate term in german? Thanks for help!
  2. Hi folks, I try to create a list with an image list icon. I didn't find any settings, where I can choose an image as a list icon. I can set a symbol from the font list, but I can not choose my own images. Is there a hidden feature or does anybody know a workaround? Thanks and greets Achim
  3. iPad mini 5th generation
  4. same problem for me, using a Nikon z7, uncompressed 14bit RAW-file and can‘t complete the first dev screen...
  5. I‘m using a Nikon z7, uncompressed 14-bit RAW files Greets Achim
  6. Hi, I‘m able to import the Nikon RAW file, but can not edit it without crashing the app. Everytime I try to move some sliders eg brightness the app crashes. Has anybody the same problem? Solution? Thanks Achim
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