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Posts posted by uncle808us

  1. When I start a project and go to save it if I try to open a new folder and then save it crashes both Designer and Photo, this has to be fixed.

    The new folder is in iCloud but the same action also crashes when trying to create a new file on my Local Hard drive.

    This happens on both my Macs running OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6.

    If the folder has already been created no problems. Only happens every time I try to create a new folder.

  2. When I start a project and go to save it if I try to open a new folder and then save it crashes both Designer and Photo, this has to be fixed.

    The new folder is in iCloud but the same action also crashes trying to create a new file on my Local Hard drive.

    This happens on both my Macs running OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6.

    If the folder has already been created no problems. Only happens every time I try to create a new folder.

  3. Here is what I am trying to do.

    I use the burn tool I set the opacity to 10% then I switch to the Brush tool and paint something...

    Now I switch back to the Burn tool the opacity is back to 100%.

    How can I set the tools so they stay at the opacity flow hardness setting all the time?

    All tools not just burn and brush tools.

    This way I could save some time not having to reset the setting each time I switch tools.

    OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6 

    Affinity Photo 1.8.3

  4. 2 hours ago, Dan C said:

    Hi uncle808us :)

    My apologies, I'm a little confused by your question here - the Brush Tool and Eraser Tool are separate tools and hold their own properties.

    You can select the Paint Brush and set it's size on the Context Toolbar, then select the Eraser Tool and you can set the size in the same location - these are independent of each other and should retain their own size when changing between tools.

    Could you please provide a screen recording showing what you're referring to?

    Thanks you for your Reply. I forgot to thank you in my first reply.

  5. I would like to have my eraser size larger than my paint brush size, but alas I can not achieve this. 

    from what I read I should pick a brush and size for my eraser then switch to the paint brush and select a brush and a size.

    This I have done but when I switch between Paint brush and eraser the eraser stays the same size as the paint brush.

    What am I doing wrong? Is there some setting in the preferences I have set wrong or over looked.


    Stats:OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6 Mac   Affinity Photo 1.7.3

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