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  1. Like everyone here +1 for blend tool and envelope distort. I'm an ardent fan of Affinity because they chose to fight against the status quo. So I bought the entire suite thinking that I'll cut ties with Adobe. But due to these small shortcomings still forced to pay the unreasonable monthly fee to Adobe. So, my dear affinity developers, we are here supporting you because it's a noble cause and we are not flush with new economy money to throw it away to giant corporations. Please understand that and bridge the gap between the 2 softwares. Thank you for all your efforts. PS: I'm even willing to pay a lil extra as a one time fee for this.
  2. Hi, Don't know whether this is already suggested, but it would be much easier to work with Selection Brush Tool if there is additional keyboard support for add and subtract to selection ( shift and alt like in Ps). Right now you have to toggle add and subtract button every time and that hinders with workflow.
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