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rosa cobos

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Posts posted by rosa cobos

  1. Thank you very much.

    I will try your instructions on.

    At last I got to manage it, but without an enormous expense of energy for so much trial and error, and I am not sure of my procedings. In one of them....beleive me....I found that once I had re-sized that object that was already finished but done in a quite little little canvas, with many others, the result was a 20.000 x more or less 18.000 pixels!!!!! of size. So...not wishing really you telling my what may had hapenned I feel now more inclined to try your info. I will re-comment if I find some problems with it.


    I am sending you warm greetings from Bilbao,Spain.


  2. Hi friends,

    Learning little by little.

    I have a question, How can be re-sized a document, or a layer, slice etc.....once you have decided to export them as png, jpeg, or whatever?

    I have tried to export a layer from quite mixed up experimental work..(many items on the same document) and it has been easy, but the result in y dashboard was a very little object, because that, of course was the size it had in th canvas.

    Then....an idea came to me...well If I resise the document, then, I may well resise the whole selction of it, with all the items and all. No problem...but then, all the vectorial brushes thqt I had used for texturizing, and giving ni ce abstraction to some of the objects, were not resized as well, losing all the proportion that they had when they had been applied.

    mmmmmsorry,,may be I am asking too much,


    I would appreciate much iyour help for both questions, Size of a document, layer, slice when bng exported, and not loosing the vecto rial brushes proportions as well,


    thanks a lot in advance,,,

    Greetings from Bilbao,Spain,


  3. Iis deally nice to see and learn from, I love the way you have modelled the strokes. This tool for shaping the strokes is fantastic in AD. The hair is wonderful and the texturizing is sending a deep understanding of the grungingnátmosphere, Love the shading of gold and the strong personality of the whole,


  4. That is very nice and efficient for a logo.I like it very much. May be I would change the outside white colour, to black.....it seems much more a sticker, but I really love it, and find many interesting things to learn from it.


  5. Thank you so much..

    Oh..I  think I have got it!!!! I am not sure how to explain it, but once you are using the brush (not the pixel brush but the vectorial one) you go to the color switching circle ant the top right of the screen. . Then there are two alternative white circles that you can click to be put  up or down one of the other..well...it seems that if the white circle with an horizontal black line on it is on top of the other one, the brush will paint as a stroke without any kind of extra filling. I have done some trials and it has worked out pretty well. I am not quite sure of explaining it well, but I am sure that that is the way of doing it. And it has come some sort of "inner image2 of having heard about this in one of the tutorials..but the fact is that since I bought the AD I have watched so many...that something like that must have skipped from my mind.


    I thank you very much for that...if you wish you can to and try this way I am talking about. It may be practical to any other member.



  6. Hello..

    I am using the "vector brush" and I am meaning the "interior of the shape".

    I am trying to post a jpeg of the one image describing the problem, but it has told me that there is an "error 500"....so I cannot do it  or do not know how to do it. And that is something that I would love to learn...may be I am missing something that I ignore.

    Thank you so much for your help.


  7. Can anyone tell me why should i not be able to open a move file on my ipad, when I wish to see how something is being workng in an answr to some interesting question. It does seem to be charge on the google bar, and a click arrow does appear, but when I do click on it.....puffffff it does not move at all.

    I am a bit dissapointed for I would love to see them and learm from the .


    Thanks a lot,


  8. Hi meb.

    I have started from scratch the compo I was working in.


    the selection done with the pen tool....for me the brst way in this case. And the object, in fact is in a new layer with transparent background. I have tried to follow the shrink invert selection and adding blurr and it happens the same thing The blurring does affect he whole object and not only on the outside,

    I would love to post in order to oyou being able to check my work into this thread but I do not know how to do it, I have seen that other people do show the whole thinng from thir computer.


    At last:..what I did, was to copy the object and apply th blurring to the layer underneath, and so, in this case, it is showing in the layer placed on. but I do not think this should happen, so...it is now a solution..not the right onefor the working flow,


    By the way I have downloaded th very last Affinity beta. Obliged to....and for th first time, been able to do it without others help. Sometimes these tings are quite intimidating for me.

    Thanks a lot for your attention, Hope not tor bothersome for you guys..knowing how much work of moderating you have to do daily,


  9. Thank you so for you quick answer.


    I am sorry but I have disregarded the compon I was working into, as I noticed that the selection of the object had been badly done, I think that, it was a an object that had been previously selected from a picture, and that it had been placed in. a new layer, in an automatic way, As I wish to do a second trying with this compo, I will check out what you are mentioning, respecting to the object, the layers and all that, just to br sure about the procedures.


    I will keep in touch if I am in trouble again.


    thanks you so much.


  10. Hi....

    I should love to give good news.

    Did as you indicated and when I apply the blurring, it does affect to thr whole object and not the outlines. Inversion done, of course.

    Could I do something wrong?


    Donwloaded the new Qffinity Photo beta and to my surprise each tine I open one of the trials that Inhad teone with the forme beta, it opens in Affinity

    designer This happening if I do click the work from my dashboard file...does not happen if I open the file from the application,


    Thank you so much, in advance.


  11. Thanks a lot for your tuto.

    I must ask...though....to see wether Inhave understood. Does the FS filter affect on the textures and not the shading? ...so if you do qpply it using its layer, and having the clonning tool in action does it pick the texture and not the colour, as long as you use it on the FS layer?

    On the ground, the greying of the FS layer reminds me of the grey layer you can in PS when you the relief filter.


    It is really nice. Thanks for the liquifying tuto...it has done quite a service to me!!


  12. Are you talking about the I-draw for the ipad or for the computer? I have been working with it in my ipad during months and I would be mad for having affinity designer in it. iIf you have worked or have the Illustrator it is true that you may not wish to investnin such an application, but beleive me....it is a really cheap and workable acquisition and for what I can see it is going to develop in an even greater application, Easy going, quick and giving you a sense of fun too!!!!.... do not be suspicious....it is worth the price and more!

  13. Hi friends,

    I have been "playing around " with the Affinity Photo Beta and using my own Photoshop knowledging for doing some compositions. I use to apply a blurring effect (Photoshop addict)  on the selected cuts of the layers, or previously selected objects, and for that I usually use the action of, select-contract-inverse-blurr, but I cannot do it in the Affinity modes. Or do not how to do it. Made some trials but with not effect. When I try to blur the contracted selection, then, inverting the selection again, the blurring does affect the whole layer, and not just the selected object.  I may be doing something wrong..I cannot guess...really.


    By the way, I must say that I feel really easy going with the Beta, and waiting so much for its release. I wish to know wether this beta has an expiring date ,and if in that case I could apply for downloading again another item...or rather waiting for the new updating of the same one. I had just bought and Designer and I am really entralled by its way of working. Had some "laziness" with Illustrator.

    Thanks a lot. I do now wish to tire you out with many questions, now.


    You are great and really helpfull.


  14. Hi friends,

    I just have landed in here, after like four days trying the app. I must say that after the buying of the item I am feeling even happier, but somehow, having dealt with vectorials programs like AI and other apps in my aipad, I am missing a tool that is really important and that is the skewing and the perspective tool. I guess that you can miss those without interfering with the work flow, just using other means, but it would be just great to have them. Comparing can not be obviated....

    Thanks a lot for your presence both as guide and community,

    Hope my topic will increase your desire for giving us, the community dwellers some happy news in the future.


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