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  1. That's it! Adjusting the slider is NOT preserved, changing the preset IS preserved. Thanks!
  2. Same result. I might also point out that this is standard behavior on all my computers and has been for years. It has been this way on a Dell Latitude Windows 10 Pro laptop, a custom build Windows 10 Pro desktop, and a Dell XPS Windows 11 Pro laptop. Unless I am still missing something that is Export Persona > Preset > Export slices > Photo persona instead of File > Export > Export so an extra step. Appreciate the suggestion but I would rather not have to increase steps and/or learn a different way of doing things if what I am already familiar with SHOULD work. Yes, every time I have tried/tested this I set the quality to 80, click export, give it a filename and click save. Then I exit the program and try the same thing again and it always resets the quality slider to 100.
  3. I am on Windows, I just now checked to make sure it was on 80, then closed the program, opened it, loaded an image, went to file>export, and it is set to 100 so it is not remembering. I cleared my prefs as you suggested and have the same result. Closing the program causes it to forget the quality setting of 80 that I put in the JPEG export settings box. Unless I am missing something (entirely possible), to export from photo persona it is File>Export. If I want to do the same thing in the export persona it is Export Persona>File>Export so an additional step. Besides, the way I am doing it SHOULD work it sounds like.
  4. I did a search and read a few pages but I have not seen a way to set the default quality setting in JPEG so that it comes up to that every time when opening the program. I am constantly forgetting to change the setting and sometimes I am 10-15 images deep before I realize the quality is still set on 100 so I have to redo all of them. Would be nice if I could set it to 80 in the options somewhere and never have to worry about my aging memory and that again Thanks!
  5. I am quite sure I opted out of everything as I hate spam, which is why I was specifically asking about a notification list for this one item. I will assume by your answer that would be a no. I was waiting to buy Publisher until the book came out, guess I will just check back whenever I remember to do so and maybe see it then.
  6. Any way we can get on a list to be emailed when the Publisher book is available?
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