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  1. Walt, no I don't use multiple monitors
  2. thanks but there is nothing at all now, while the dock indicates that Publisher is active (black dot under the app-logo)
  3. Hi, Working on a Macbook. Couldn't see the A.Publisher-workspace. Closed and opened ap.: no result. Did Macbook restart: now showing nothing at all when trying opening the app from the dock or via a A. Publisher-document. Any advice? And if the advice is "uninstall and install Publisher again", then a sort of how to do that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Hello. What I don’t quite understand is this: are all those dozens of fonts I can use in Publisher coming from Affinity, or were they already part of my Font Book? I’m working on a MacBook. For example, when I work in Keynote or Apple Notes, I don’t have all these options. But here’s the thing: I want to remove them from my computer. However, many of them (including non-Western characters) have locks on them. So, the first question is: is this an Affinity issue, or should I head to a Mac forum instead? 🙂 What also would be appreciated is a tip on how(where to best purchase) to built a thorough and professional library with fonts like Gill, Universe, Baskerville, Universe, Joanna etc Thanks!!
  5. Hi, I see there has been a lot of conversations about problems with emo'jis in Publisher but I can't see no clear definite or updated definite answer. My question is how I get the emoji's that I choose from my iPhone into Publisher. Or: how do I get Emoji's in Publisher, because that is also vague to me. E.g. when I paste a walking to the right woman emoji the pasted result in Publisher is a walking male person walking to the left. And aa greyheared caucasian grandma results in a complete yellow one:-) Anyway I would appreciate help on this topic. BTW: On my system is the font "Apple Color Emoji" installed. I work on a Macbook.
  6. Thank you Walt for your kind answer, but my colegue discovered it: After I renamed her drawings they were sort of damaged (pale) but when I import them unchanged everything stays ok. Thanks again!, Jan
  7. Hi there, we make drawings in Aff Designer 2 (on Ipad pro), but when we import them in Aff. Publisher (on Imac) the drawings are pale. Its no difference when the Publisher document is in CMYK or RGB (what one would expect). Anyone an idea? Much appreciated, Jan
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