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Jörn Reppenhagen

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Everything posted by Jörn Reppenhagen

  1. Old but still nagging problem. If using a German keyboard, you need to use Alt Gr + 8/9 for the [brackets], feels quite uncomfortable. Adding to the misery: Alt Gr is a key for use with the right hand which usually is eagerly occupied with taming the mouse. Of course we could also use Ctrl + Alt + 8/9 for the [brackets] - but that would also mean taking the hand off the mouse – as only Chuck Norris is able to press that key combination with just one hand. Ah, sorry, it’s Chuck Norris – so of course he’d do it with a single finger. So nothing gained if you don’t have a fulltime Chuck at hand. Problem surely is the same for keyboard layouts other than German. So here's two suggestions: Let us globally define two keys for all kinds of brushes in one go. It’s a pain in the you-really-know-where ferreting out all single brush size settings and changing the keys one by one. Workaround could be a tiny application doing those global changes in that XMLs lurking inside the AFSHORT files. A one-hour programming job for an experienced coder. Use the scroll wheel of the mouse for changing the brush size. My preferred option. I know there’s an implementation already (Alt, right and left click and drag), but that’s far away from being real beneficial, too much fiddling. How about holding down a modifier key (selectable, like Alt), then being able to control the brush size using the wheel? Plus a second modifier key (like Shift) for 10-step size changes. I guess that would feel real natural – like zooming with Ctrl + wheel which we all can do even asleep. Of course a combination of both suggestions would be an ideal solutions for all kinds of tastes and working behaviors.
  2. I once saw a sign, I guess it was "Müll abladen verboten" ("verboten", of course), being eaten by a tree. It got nailed to that tree first, then nature stroke back and began to grow around that sign. Looked like the sign was being pulled into the tree. Did a bad smartphone photo back in time - but I fear it will never come to Tageslicht again.
  3. "NEIN" is one of the real typical terms of German, like "verboten" (prohibited) and "sofort" (immediately, on the double). Rumour has it that during WW 2, the allied forces managed to decrypt the messages of German submarines by seeking for patterns meaning "verboten" and "sofort" - and got successful. Also, there's a more or less famous cartoon, showing a building in a war scene, some soldiers shouting "Are there any Germans in?" - And the answer is "NEIN!"
  4. First, I found Look Up Tables pretty boring and useless. I changed my mind. Two pictures of the "St. Georg" church in Haldern, Germany, before and after LUT application and some more editing. Fujifilm X-T20 + Fujinon XF 18 – 55 mm
  5. Yes, this is infrared. I'll attach a small version of the original photo right out of camera. I found it highly interesting as I realized all that intense colors were still in the photo. Fujifilm X-T20 + Fujinon XF 18 – 55 mm , cheap (7,50 €) Neewer IR filter, 720 nm
  6. I was told this is a horrendous picture. Depends on the point of view. I find it quite interesting for two different aspects: 1) Original photo was pretty blurred, still it was possible to recover a lot of details. 2) The blueish background makes the motive appear like warm-colored - while it's pure b/w grayscale. Fujifilm X-T20 + Fujinon XF 18 – 55 mm , cheap (7,50 €) Neewer IR filter, 720 nm
  7. The "Battenbergturm", one and only landmark of Haldern, Germany, taken about a month ago. Fujifilm X-T20 + Fujinon XF 18 – 55 mm , cheap (7,50 €) Neewer IR filter, 720 nm
  8. Some willows in Haldern, Germany, taken a month ago. Fujifilm X-T20 + Fujinon XF 18 – 55 mm , cheap (7,50 €) Neewer IR filter, 720 nm
  9. It's an old thread, I know. But maybe one day a lonely traveller from outer space on a quest for superficial wisdom stumbles upon it. Quite often, the color channels of such photos are a bit displaced, red, blue and green channels far apart - you can spot that in the histogram. Try to get the color channels united again (Curves, Color Balance, ...), stretch the image (google "astrophotography stretching"), then raise the saturation. This should provide some colors. But M31 (Andromeda) might be the wrong object to start with - although it's real large and bright (thus a nice target for guys without a telescope, but with a telephoto lens), there's a better object for taking your first steps: good old Orion, M42 and M43. Easy to find, and bursting with colors. And you can't repeat it often enough: Use RAW files.
  10. oliix: Some years ago, Mazda released their first MX-5. It lacked a clock in the dashboard. A storm of outrage took off. Just imagine: A car without a clock. Unbelievable. So Mazda introduced a dashboard clock with their next model. It looks like - see attachment. Not pretty. No whistles and bells. No timers, no alarms, no fuel consumption gauge, no fancy animations, no stylish chrome bezel. Just a clock. Mazda could have done better, sure. But that MX-5 is a great car for driving. Which is it's primary purpose. Not displaying the time of day, which I regard as a pure add-on. Mazda gave me a nice, powerful and reliable car (one repair in 20 years, had to change the ignition wires) at a sound price, making me happy every time I enjoy the sun and the power of the wind when I go topless. So I am happy with it, even if the clock could be better. Got the idea?
  11. Being a German, I need to admit the lack of a universal sign badly needed in Germany: "ALLES VERBOTEN!" If there's no law explicitly permitting a matter, it's prohibited automatically.
  12. (Hope this is no repeated suggestion - quick use of the search function didn't reveal anything; at least not to me.) There's some lengthy operations like stacking. (I do some astrophotography at novice to intermediate level, so there's masses of RAW files to process for checking out if Affinity might replace Deep Sky Stacker. At present, DSS seems to be a bit better suited for that task.) Now there's no progress indicator. I need to listen if my lazy cooling fans wake up, or fire up Windows' task manager for having a look at the CPU load. Otherwise I wouldn't have any idea if Affinity is working, twiddling thumbs or taking a guru meditation in crash country. Thus a progress indicator would be a fine addition.
  13. Hello, Chris and Mark. I don't regard this as a big deal, just mentioned it in case it's of any use to you. Romans 11, verse 33: "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of the Developer! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!" I guess we just cannot expect software to be compatible with any future developments unless we get hold of H. G. Wells' lost plans of that time machine.
  14. Chris: Indeed, that's also been my idea. Doesn't happen with 1.6 - and shouldn't happen "by design". Right yesterday, I did some highly important works for a German sex toy wholesaler, spent quite some time with the text design - only to find out all efforts gone after spotting some dust on the "device" and quickly removing it with the Inpaint brush. Removing the dust also removed all my layer effects in an instant, and caused a highly audible stream of real bad words we better don't discuss in detail. So fixing it might prove to be a "sound" idea.
  15. Other brushes of the same category (like Healing) also trigger this problem. Steps to reproduce: Open a new document. Use the Text tool, apply any layer effects. Switch to one of the correction brushes, like Inpaint. Use the brush. This resets all layer effects previously applied to the text. Quite nagging if you already used a bunch of effects. Sometimes the problem occurs right after selecting the brush, sometimes not before putting the brush to use. Seems like the issue is triggered only with the very first text item used, maybe connected with rasterizing the layer.
  16. Title says it (almost) all. Throws attached error message. Interestingly, my saved shortcuts were applied nevertheless.
  17. Thank you, Chris. I hope you were able to follow my slightly weird explanation - the term "tabs" (instead of "screens") just didn't cross my mind. To put it right: The crashes happened when switching tabs with the Refine window still open.
  18. Problem occurred several times after creating a selection, copying the selection to a newly created blank file screen (4700 x 2700), then deleting the selection from the newly created screen. "Hard" crash, AP didn't react on anything anymore, had to kill the task via Task Manager. Just tried to reproduce the problem, but failed. Maybe occurs only after doing a lot of selection modifications including refine. Ha! Finally triggered it! Crash occurred after refining, then switching back and forth between both screens with the Refine window still open.
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