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  1. There was a post about this a few years back but I thought I would make a formal request. To make Japanese textbooks, it's very helpful to be able to add furigana. Thanks.
  2. Thanks! So if I send this package to someone it contains all the images already? They are in the .afpackage file?
  3. I am saving as package for my first time even though I have been using Publisher for a couple of years. It creates a file and two folders, one for fonts and one for images. The file is .afpackage As you can see, it says there are a total of 11 embedded images. And they are checked to be included. But after the save the image folder is empty. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
  4. Can I install Publisher V1 and Publisher V2 at the same time? Will V2 overwrite V1 or exist alongside it?
  5. This issue has been resolved for me for quite some time. I'm sorry but I don't remember which version.
  6. Another update without fixing this issue. That's disappointing.
  7. I was being patient and hoping this issue would be resolved in the new version. I am using an epson EP-808AB. When I try to print from Publisher there is a white space on the right and the bottom of the page. My solution has been to export to pdf and print from that. It works but it should be an unnecessary step.
  8. I am also creating a textbook and the spellcheck is quite annoying because my documents are mixed language. Ideally the spellcheck would work across multiple languages but I would be satisfied if I could disable the spellcheck for Japanese only while still have it work for English.
  9. I am having the same issue. Using this information I was able to delete the master by deleting all the content first. The program didn't freeze. Before this I had noticed that if I deleted a master when viewing another page it would freeze.
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