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Duplicate, Power duplicate and about rotate

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Where I can read about different features of duplicate? I don't understand such behavior: when I rotate  object and duplicate it first time why it don't rotate, and why after cmd+z and repeat «rotate and duplicate» object rotate around rotation centre?

demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ycgsrxjren55g0v/rotate.mp4



Is there way make such within duplicate function? How?



Is there way to reset of rotate to 0 after rotate (reset selection box don/t help, because it save value of rotate when i double click on object)? 

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Hi fedorov, 

After selecting the rectangle for the first time you must first duplicate it pressing ⌘ (cmd) + J, then apply the changes/edits to this duplicate. When you press ⌘ (cmd)+J again, the next duplicate will integrate the edits. In your video you are NOT duplicating the original object first - you are rotating it immediately and creating the copies/duplicating with ⌘ (cmd) +J after that. This only creates a regular copy of the object.

Check this video tutorial about Power Duplicate.

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Ok, thanks MEB.

What about second and third questions?


Is there way make such within duplicate function? How?



Is there way to reset of rotate to 0 after rotate (reset selection box don/t help, because it save value of rotate when i double click on object)? 

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Regarding you second question:

You have to rotate the squares in place using power duplicate, them move just the last rotated rectangle to the right the distance you want, select all the rectangles in the Layers panel and go to menu Layer ▸ Alignment ▸ Distribute Horizontally.


Regarding the third question:

There's no way to reset the rotation permanently. Here's a workaround: draw a rectangle bigger than the object you want to reset the rotation and place it over that object, then select both and press Intersect (boolean operation), or go to menu Layer ▸ Geometry ▸ Intersect. The rotation value should return to zero.

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