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Distort > Mirror tool needs work

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Hi:  New user here - Win7 Desktop system.

I have a question about using or improving the Filters>Distort>Mirror function.
The help file and searching online and in these forums has not produced any answers that I am looking for.

The current tool although useful, is like using a mouse on a ball - you never know where your image is moving and what is going to happen to it.
Great to look at after a few glasses of wine or other materials.  But I want to take an image and split the screen at the vertical, then flip horizontal.
Maybe adjust where the overlap is to get multiple effects in the centre.
This is a standard mirror image.  The current tool is a kaleidoscope tool and works great for that, but not as a mirror image tool.

This effect can be done in other software, but with more steps.
There is an old XP software that came with a camera in late 1999 early 2000 called photslam for the WWE camera.
I have not been able to find a copy, but know of at least 1 creative person that uses it and has a few thousand followers on a creative forum.
A sample of what I am trying to do with shots from nature is attached.
I really had to fight to get this image using Distort>mirror as it keeps rolling all over the place depending on how you move the mouse.

Thank you - BD

Hiway 6 Tree - 10 B&W 1.jpg

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