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Affinity Publisher Beta on Windows - spellcheck highlight showing through layer above

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Hi.  I just installed  I placed some text on layer 1 - this contained words that the spellchecker didn't recognise. As expected, the red squiggled line was shown. I created a new layer 2 immediately above it, and placed a shape on this new layer (I was using a simple rectangle).  The shape overlapped the text on layer 1.  The red squiggled line from the spellcheck on layer 1 was visible through the shape on layer 2.  This is apparent whether placing the two elements on separate layers or on the same layer, and irrespective of the opacity setting of the "upper level".

I tried a test (attached) which gave the same result.

This may be the correct/desired behaviour, but I haven't noticed it in previous versions.  Hope this helps.

spellcheck highlight showing through layer above in stack.afpub

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