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Affinity photo Tools not working

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Good morning from Greece 

Grateful for any advice - It seems that many of the tools ares suddenly not working. For example, if i try to adjust a level such as exposure, the slider will move normally but there will be no change to the 

image. Essentially tools all physically move but wont actually make any changes to the image. 

Many thanks in advance 

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Gia sou, kalós írthes!

In the Develop persona or Photo persona? - However, for the Photo persona make sure the image layer in the layers panel is selected and the move tool is selected too, then retry and see if that changes anything. Further you may look if the image layer is maybe locked too.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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