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Pre-Press Ready Artwork - Printhouse Comments

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Hi Affinity Team

This is a mammoth task but a great start with Affinity Publisher! :)
I'm constantly moving pre-press artwork across to my preferred printer and I'm asking them to give me feedback and review with the pre-press ready PDF files I'm sending them and the major issues that they are reporting is...
- issues around knockout and overprint... this is not really that straight forward for now plus not clear in how this can be picked up before exporting the artwork?
- and when they need to impose the job and they use InDesign for that, hence the following comment..." I'm also getting some weirdness when placing the file into indesign for when we impose the job"

Other then that keep up the great work!

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Hi Affinity Team

This is a follow up from what I mentioned above...
I have set the global colour to 80% black and ticked "overprint", but when I few my press-ready artwork in Acrobat Distiller and turn off the Black (Separations) it is knocking it out from the background colour instead of the assigned "overprint" it should be doing so the background colour is preserved!

This is a biggie so please please please don't forget about it! The "overprint" is not working! :(

Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 6.16.42 pm.png

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