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I've noticed following problems:

- "rotate 90 clockwise" has two entries in Document menu, while one is for counterclockwise,

- I straightened image (just few degrees, using straightened option in the crop tool) and next executed "merge down" from layer palette. Gray chessboard showing background remained in the "triangles" in the image corners.

- "portrait" image (jpg) from EOS rebel T5 opens in NIK viveza and colorefex as "landscape" (not tried other filters). Removing EXIF  in Irfan fixed problem.

- straightened image has some triangles with "chessboard" artifacts after merging down. Image consist dull sky on the upper part, and dull sea water at the bottom. triangle from bottom-right (water) and up-right were healed fine and fast with inpainting brush. Top left triangle remained untouched after use of inpaint brush, but surroundings got strange, very saturated, magenta clouds (no magenta color on the entire image). Inpaint worked very long (20 second or so). Bottom-left triangle and its neighborhood remains untouched after applying inpaint brush.



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