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I'm desperately looking for some answers and I have no idea where to turn. 
Affinity Publisher 2.5.3... I want to love it....  Working in Spreads, I'm placing a PDF of a full page ad which has bleed and crops, but I can't place it in a box and show the bleed because it won't show the bleed or the crops. I can simply "place it" and set it's own box as a Bleed Box. that's great, but I want to trim off the bleed at the spine. I can't do that with that box because it simply squashes the graphic. In Quark, you can make a box, place an ad, it shows everything. And you can crop that placed ad by making changes to the box. Affinity doesn't seem to do that.  Is there a way to create a Masking Box over the placed ad that will trim the PDF?

There must be a way, and I can't find it in any documentation and I can't find a live forum to ask questions... Help!! 😄

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17 minutes ago, GraphicMill said:

I'm desperately looking for some answers and I have no idea where to turn. 
Affinity Publisher 2.5.3... I want to love it....  Working in Spreads, I'm placing a PDF of a full page ad which has bleed and crops, but I can't place it in a box and show the bleed because it won't show the bleed or the crops. I can simply "place it" and set it's own box as a Bleed Box. that's great, but I want to trim off the bleed at the spine. I can't do that with that box because it simply squashes the graphic. In Quark, you can make a box, place an ad, it shows everything. And you can crop that placed ad by making changes to the box. Affinity doesn't seem to do that.  Is there a way to create a Masking Box over the placed ad that will trim the PDF?

There must be a way, and I can't find it in any documentation and I can't find a live forum to ask questions... Help!! 😄

After placing a PDF, you can change what is displayed with the Page Box list in the Context Toolbar. You'll find definitions for all the options in the "Placing Documents" section of my Publisher manual. You can download it free from this forum using the link in my signature. The most common options are TrimBox (the page), BleedBox (includes bleed), and MediaBox (includes printers markers), but you might be interested by Minimum/Maximum Content, too.

Good luck.

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