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I've watched and replicated the tutorial on removing blemishes through the frequency separation filter, and the low frequency layer works well with the blemish removal tools, but it seems as though I cannot edit the blemishes when I isolate the high frequency layer. Is there a setting option that I am excluding that is disabling me from removing blemishes and spots in the high frequency layer?

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i'm not sure i've understood what you mean by "isolate the high frequency layer". are you trying to edit blemishes on it?

when you apply the frequency separation filter, you get two layers. the low frequency layer mostly contains color, while the high freq layer contains most of the textures. this way, you can use any blemish removal tool on the low freq layer without the risk of flattening textures, since they are on the hig freq layer. you have non need to edit the hig freq layer, unless you want to edit textures.

you have to select the low freq layer before using the blemish removal tools.

if you apply an adjustment (color, white balance, or any oather of them) its effetc are applied to both of the layer if you place it on top of the layer stack; if you place it as a child of one of the two layers, it will be applied only to that layer.

i hope i've clarified things a bit. if i misunderstood your question i apologize.

take care,


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