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A. Publisher settings the auto§spacing after and before quotation marks

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Hello everybody,
So in the auto§correct,  I tick the check box "change ...for typographic quotes."
And that quite nice, it put some non-breakable short space before and after the mark. But not the one I use, I want to replace it by a thin space.
Please, don't tell me that I could use a search and replace to fix that at the end of the document. 
I prefer setup that autospacing thing, any idea how to do it? I'm wondering where is the dictionary, the rules for each language in affinity publishers?

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You can't control which quotation marks or surrounding spaces are used by AutoCorrect. The rules are hardcoded into the application.

For example, in French, Publisher changes " to « or » plus a narrow non-breaking space. You can't direct Publisher to use a thin space instead.

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