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How to add heavy grungy/punk aestetic noise?

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This is a bit of a long shot, but I'm hoping someone here can guide me in the right direction.

I'm trying to the attached speckled noise effect:

I have black and white image which I've played around played around with the threshold to get some good contrasts. 

I've tried to play around with the noise filters but best noise I can come up with is too fine grained. Then I've tried the pixilate filter, which gets me a little closer but obviously very pixilated. Then I tried different combinations with halftone effects, but it becomes a bit too uniform.

Does anyone have any suggestions to how I might achieve this effect.?


Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 11.58.31.png

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You’re welcome.

I’m still not entirely happy with it – it’s not as ‘crisp’ as your sample image – but if it’s usable for what you want then that’s good.

Tip: Changing the Blend Mode of the Live Filter layers often produces surprising/interesting results, so you can try that.

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I've been playing around with your example, If you have any suggestions to get more "crisp" specks that'll be awesome, as that would be my only comment, but sofar your result is miles ahead of my intial try.

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