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Multiple layers and construction change

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I am hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. I am trying to basically create a logo but can't seem to figure out how to do it. 

The plan is to the use the Speech bubble (below) and implement the 3 flags into it. I'm slowly getting the hang of some aspects of Affinity but I think I am trying to do this with the wrong process, mainly layers. So for example, use the Colombia flag in the outer ring, then split the middle with the Russian and UK flags. 

Any help on the correct process to do this would be very helpful. 





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This sounds like a job for clipping – see attached image and search the help for layer clipping .

If you want to ‘mix’ the flags inside the different parts of the inner design then you will need to merge some parts of the design but we don’t know how without knowing how the design has been made.

If you can share the ‘speech bubble’ design with us, in its original form, then we can give more details.


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That sounds like it could work. Sorry, I am new to the program and basically trying to learn and utilise it at the same time. 


The image of the speech bubble is just taken from images as a PNG like that. It would need a few of the lines removing to create the sections that I want 

Attached are the 3 options I found for this speech bubble




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It will be more difficult, and you will get a worse result, if you use a PNG (raster) rather than an SVG (vector) design.

It would probably be easy enough to create the design from scratch using the tools in the Affinity applications but you don’t say which Affinity application(s) you have available to you (different applications, different tools).

Can you find an SVG version of the design?
If not, can you say which Affinity application(s) you have?

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I think this is the way to go, rather than deleting sections and lines etc I can just create a complete new template and then add the flag layers afterwards. 

I am used to CAD Engineering and that doesn't always operate how you expect but I am very impressed with Affinity so far, I think it is mainly a case of learning where everything is on the program (same as with CAD really) 


Thank you for your help, I will try this method now

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You’re welcome.

And just for fun, here’s a quick video showing the process (including some mistakes along the way).
There’s no voice narrative so some actions might not be obvious; if so just tell me which and I’ll tell you what I did.

Once the process has been completed you will then need to go through the small curve shapes, deleting any that are not needed (some are duplicates).

(At the end I created a Compound shape by holding down Alt when pressing the Geometry Add button, but you can just use a ‘normal’ Geometry Add instead.)

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Thanks for the Video, that's great. There is even a tool for the language symbol/speech. 

It might not be geometrically perfect but this is basically what I was trying to achieve. It is just a small feature on a collage to show the 3 languages my friend teaches in . 🙂 


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