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How to move/copy color palettes (swatches) from Designer V1 to V2, on iPad


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Hello everyone,

I've just updated from Affinity Designer V1 to V2 on iPad and I would like to copy my custom color palettes from old Designer to the new one.

I've tried everything I could think of but I couldn't do it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!



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Only way I know of on the iPad, is to create your own Swatch Shapes on Canvas and Export a PNG…then open that into V2.

Create/Name New Swatch Application Palette.. (important to use Application Palette so it saves within App for later use, not just a current document)… then drudge through the process of Adding Fill Selection to Palette individually.

In Designer V2 on iPad, we can now import/export Palettes…. files will be named  .afpalette  …but has to already exist, kinda of like Recorded Macros.

It seems another hindrance to inabilities the iPad has compared to Desktop (which Desktop users will claim is fair due to the pricing models🤣)

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