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In Export persona I miss possibility to duplicate slices by ALT+DRAG or Copyx&Paste


I use the software fotoarray to manage my collection of images. It can create PDF files with images which are embedded completely (the whole JPEG) but cropped in the way I selected, i.e. squares. I can open the PDF in Affinity Publisher but it is not 100% striagtforward to modify the crop/zoom of the images. Each image was created with a cropping mask as child, this makes it impossible to move or scale the image behind the mask. I can drag both layers around and make the image the child of the mask, that works- but it would be nice if that would be easier. Here is a sample for such a PDF.


The command "Convert to Pictureframe" does something unexpected. It actually applies the mask and crops the image. So I cannot fully manipulate the zomm/crop after using this which contradicts the use of this command.


When I launch Phot (under Windows) with several images in the command line I get a dialog box "You eem to want to delete settings". I don't understand why this happens.


-Universal Installer-

Since I use all 3 programs on Windows I miss an installer which installs all 3 at once. Since the applications share much code and librariers and also resources I would expect such an installer would be smaller than the summ of the size of the 3 single installers.


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