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Affinity Publisher Book Spread Printing

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I am trying to print a book spread from Affinity Publisher. I have all my pages laid out as 5.5"x8.5"  facing pages. I want to print them on 8.5"x11" sheets with 2 pages on a sheet. However, every time go to print it puts page 4 next to page 1 and throughs several of my pages out of order. I have no idea how to fix this problem.

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The book and booklet modes for Publisher are a tiny little entry into the field of imposition, which is based on folding large sheets into signatures for binding into a book.  These modes are not what you want if you just want to print pages two-up.  For that, use the two-up feature of your printer, not the imposition features of Publisher.

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I do not have any trouble printing through Publisher, I suppose the kind of printer may have some bearing i.e. can it print double sided. You do not say how many pages in the booklet and whether your double page spread starts on the right, which makes the first and last page single not facing. This is the set up I would use which is A5 printing 2 pages on A4. first page is page 32 on left page 1 right hand, rear prints page 2 left page 15 right and so on.



Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

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