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The DMP-file tells that the crash reason is 0xe0434352, which is often .Net related, but could also have other reasons here and thus won't tell so much here. Since it could also be related to ....


0xE0434352 error messages often appear as a result of cluttered Windows registry or faulty entries of non-existent programs which are usually due to improper software uninstalls. Other common reasons may include incorrect user input, missing files that were accidentally deleted from the registry and cause system malfunctions. Keeping track of when and where your error has occured is a critical piece of information for troubleshooting the problem.

... etc. - Thus the best is, if some Affinity dev takes a closer look at the DMP stacktrace inside WinDbg or the VS Debugger etc. in order to tell you more concrete the cause of all evil.

BTW, I recall that another forum user recently had similar looking DMP files here (see for example: Designer app will not open).

The stacktrace of your DMP-file ...


Operating system: Windows NT
                  6.2.19041 1706
CPU: amd64
     family 6 model 167 stepping 1
     16 CPUs


Crash reason:  0xe0434352 / 0x00000001
Crash address: 0x7ffabb6c4fd9
Process uptime: 288 seconds

Thread 139 (crashed)
 0  KERNELBASE.dll + 0x34fd9

    rax = 0x0000000000000000   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000000000000000   rbx = 0x00000000e0434352
    rsi = 0x0000000000000001   rdi = 0x0000000000000005
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff2e0   rsp = 0x000000765f5fed20
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x000000765f5fe011
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000000
    r12 = 0x0000000000004000   r13 = 0x000000765f5ff4a0
    r14 = 0x000000765f5feeb8   r15 = 0x000001b62494e758
    rip = 0x00007ffabb6c4fd9
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x58dd95
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff3f0   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff2f0
    rip = 0x00007ffa9acedd95
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  clr.dll + 0x69a3
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff420   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff400
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a69a3
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  0x1b60617c5e0
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff430
    rip = 0x000001b60617c5e0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  clr.dll + 0x68c0
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff440
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a68c0
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  clr.dll + 0x7448
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff450
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7448
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  clr.dll + 0x7396
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff460
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7396
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  clr.dll + 0x7160
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff480
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7160
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  clr.dll + 0x6faf
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff4b0
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a6faf
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  clr.dll + 0x7308
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff4c0
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7308
    Found by: stack scanning
10  clr.dll + 0x82a51c
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff4d8
    rip = 0x00007ffa9edca51c
    Found by: stack scanning
11  clr.dll + 0x82a51b
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff4e0
    rip = 0x00007ffa9edca51b
    Found by: stack scanning
12  clr.dll + 0x70f0
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff4f0
    rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a70f0
    Found by: stack scanning
13  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x1c3da8
    rbp = 0x000000765f5ff510   rsp = 0x000000765f5ff508
    rip = 0x00007ffa9a923da8
    Found by: stack scanning
14  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x558ce0
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff540   rip = 0x00007ffa9acb8ce0
    Found by: stack scanning
15  clr.dll + 0xb9ca
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff580   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab9ca
    Found by: stack scanning
16  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x1c3da8
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff5a8   rip = 0x00007ffa9a923da8
    Found by: stack scanning
17  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x558ce0
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff5b0   rip = 0x00007ffa9acb8ce0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  mscorlib.ni.dll + 0x1000
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff5b8   rip = 0x00007ffa9a761000
    Found by: stack scanning
19  clr.dll + 0x82a51c
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff5e0   rip = 0x00007ffa9edca51c
    Found by: stack scanning
20  clr.dll + 0x82a51c
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff5f0   rip = 0x00007ffa9edca51c
    Found by: stack scanning
21  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80000
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff608   rip = 0x00007ffa00000000
    Found by: stack scanning
22  clr.dll + 0x82a51b
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff610   rip = 0x00007ffa9edca51b
    Found by: stack scanning
23  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80000
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff640   rip = 0x00007ffa00000000
    Found by: stack scanning
24  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80002
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff648   rip = 0x00007ffa00000002
    Found by: stack scanning
25  clr.dll + 0x55ca
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff660   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a55ca
    Found by: stack scanning
26  clr.dll + 0xb9a0
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff668   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab9a0
    Found by: stack scanning
27  clr.dll + 0x7d38
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff670   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7d38
    Found by: stack scanning
28  clr.dll + 0x7ec8
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff690   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7ec8
    Found by: stack scanning
29  clr.dll + 0x7d38
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff6a0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7d38
    Found by: stack scanning
30  clr.dll + 0x7ca3
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff6b0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7ca3
    Found by: stack scanning
31  clr.dll + 0x7cbc
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff6e0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7cbc
    Found by: stack scanning
32  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80001
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff6f0   rip = 0x00007ffa00000001
    Found by: stack scanning
33  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80007
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff700   rip = 0x00007ffa00000007
    Found by: stack scanning
34  clr.dll + 0x1cd055
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff710   rip = 0x00007ffa9e76d055
    Found by: stack scanning
35  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80001
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff740   rip = 0x00007ffa00000001
    Found by: stack scanning
36  clr.dll + 0x71b6
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff780   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a71b6
    Found by: stack scanning
37  clr.dll + 0x7be2
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff7b0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7be2
    Found by: stack scanning
38  clr.dll + 0x7e5140
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff808   rip = 0x00007ffa9ed85140
    Found by: stack scanning
39  clr.dll + 0x7dd3
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff820   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7dd3
    Found by: stack scanning
40  clr.dll + 0x7e5140
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff838   rip = 0x00007ffa9ed85140
    Found by: stack scanning
41  clr.dll + 0xb9a0
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff860   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab9a0
    Found by: stack scanning
42  clr.dll + 0xb870
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff878   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab870
    Found by: stack scanning
43  clr.dll + 0xb917
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff880   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab917
    Found by: stack scanning
44  clr.dll + 0xa330
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff890   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5aa330
    Found by: stack scanning
45  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80001
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff920   rip = 0x00007ffa00000001
    Found by: stack scanning
46  clr.dll + 0x862c
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff930   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a862c
    Found by: stack scanning
47  clr.dll + 0x8c8f
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff990   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a8c8f
    Found by: stack scanning
48  nvopencl64.dll + 0x80000
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff998   rip = 0x00007ffa00000000
    Found by: stack scanning
49  clr.dll + 0x7962
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff9c0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a7962
    Found by: stack scanning
50  clr.dll + 0xb870
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ff9f8   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5ab870
    Found by: stack scanning
51  clr.dll + 0x78f7
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffa00   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a78f7
    Found by: stack scanning
52  clr.dll + 0x77cf
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffa30   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a77cf
    Found by: stack scanning
53  clr.dll + 0x5789
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffa60   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a5789
    Found by: stack scanning
54  clr.dll + 0x57e3
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffa90   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a57e3
    Found by: stack scanning
55  clr.dll + 0x76d0
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffab8   rip = 0x00007ffa9e5a76d0
    Found by: stack scanning
56  clr.dll + 0x1cc675
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffad0   rip = 0x00007ffa9e76c675
    Found by: stack scanning
57  KERNEL32.dll + 0x17034
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffb10   rip = 0x00007ffabc427034
    Found by: stack scanning
58  ntdll.dll + 0x52651
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffb40   rip = 0x00007ffabd962651
    Found by: stack scanning
59  KERNELBASE.dll + 0x10fd40
    rsp = 0x000000765f5ffb90   rip = 0x00007ffabb79fd40
    Found by: stack scanning


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2


Thank you for your response.  How do I reach out to Affinity Dev?  I am running fine using 1.9.2 but when I update the software to 1.10.0 or higher I crash.  


Take a look at the forums specific bug report sections, in your case then here ...

... there are probably some thread postings like yours inside and maybe with some mentioned ways to solve the problem. - If not then you can post your problem there into that forum section, ideally then with the applied DMP-file and a short description of your problem.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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