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Can't capture results of Divide blend mode

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Working with a stock image to try out some Affinity Photo techniques, I got an interesting-looking result by applying the Divide blend mode to a layer.

Problem is, I can't capture that result to work with it further. If I merge the layers, the image changes. Even weirder, if I Copy Flattened and paste onto a new layer, the image changes, when I thought the entire idea of Copy Flattened is that it captures & reproduces exactly what you see. Then I tried taking a Snapshot and creating a Snapshot layer. That also changed the image! I can't believe that both these methods failed at exactly the task they're supposed to do.

Btw, while writing this, the reCAPTCHA kept expiring and making me check the box again every twenty seconds, and the 822kb image upload failed, so Affinity's kinda whiffing it in an exciting variety of ways today.

Meanwhile I tweeted the example images, you can see them there.

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I found some similar issue (Windows version): If I use the Displace filter e. g. to overlay some text on brickwork, then apply more adjustments like a Gaussian blur to smoothe the text and adapt it to the low pixel resolution of the underlying photo, the results look like it should be.

But if I export the finished image, all adjustments after using the Displacement filter just disappear, the picture gets saved with just the Displace filter applied without any further editing steps - rendering the text too sharp and unnatural.

Same happens if I use "Merge Visible".
Only way of exporting the correctly rendered image is taking a screenshot.

I guess it's the same problem causing that behavior. Exporting and merging obviously just don't follow the "include what you see" approach.

@Iconoclast: Will try that and report back later. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks iconoclast. The images were raster to begin with, so I'm not sure if rasterizing would have had any effect, but Affinity crashed and took the whole thing out of my hands anyway.

Hope you found a solution, Jörn!

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