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Ok. Problem i found with affinity designer.

*Mask. OMG. I appreciate idea but Designer can have crash or by sluggish... and i will appreciate... If it will be some option in contexts menu with right mouse click etc

.*Isometric grid with Plans. It will be very handy if you will add switch between standard plan. Top, Side and Front (Plans) are not 100% useful without this.

*Crashes. software closing after idk why...

*It will be nice to have: barcode, better multiple transformation panel with number copies (i know ctr+j), blending tool and typography shape distribution like flag, fish eye etc.

*I don't get what exactly with putting shape in shape. because this is not mask and after exporting to jpg it look terrible with many object. Maybe it was my mistake because i thought this is mask.

*Many time in exported jpg i can see something like grid in place where it shouldn't. Shape was twice bigger than grid and i can see grid line in middle.

*Light and shadow. I appreciate option with many sources but button with global lighting and shadow will be also very helpful


Edited by maruda
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