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I'm struggling to work out how to merge 3 x 360 degree HDR files (from an Insta360 One X2 camera) - and then edit the composite with equirectangular / live projection - and export as a 360 photo..

Is it possible to do both? Can anyone help with step by step? Thanks

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@Emma Wood - I am not familiar with the output from this camera - are you saying that you have three exposures (say-2, 0, +2 EV) of a single 360° equirectangular pano?  If so, then making the HDR file should be as straightforward as merging the three images using AP.

Can you post a link to source files (for download) and a detailed description of what you want to achieve as the final output?  You don't need to post the files you are working on, but some sample files that can be used to provide a basis for a step-by-step would be helpful.


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Hi Kirkt, thanks so much for your help. Yes exactly as you say. I made the HDR file.. and then exported that as a jpg. Then edited that jpg to retouch out the stand.. tried to import into the 360 tour website (Klapty) which told me the 'platform only allows panoramic equirectangular images at 2:1 ratio' - which I thought it was, but checking the document size I can see it is 1 pixel out! Resized it and now it uploads fine - the problem was somehow in my workflow the file size changed and it was no longer 2:1! So I have solved that problem, but thank you.

Could I ask though.. it doesn't seem possible to edit the merged original HDR file (to remove the tripod) in the 'equirectangular projection' mode - only just the jpg I exported from it? Trying to keep the quality at it's best.

Thank you.

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@Emma Wood - I just opened an EXR (32bit HDR) file and cropped it so that it was 2:1 aspect ratio, just to simulate what you would get if you opened an equirectangular HDR panorama in AP (or merged to one in AP).  I was able to invoke the Layer > Live Projection > Equirectangular mode on that file, so it should work.  You definitely have to make sure that the image you are trying to edit in this mode indeed has a 2:1 aspect ratio or the Equirectangular menu option will be grayed out.


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Thanks again Kirk. You're absolutely right - I've re-run through the process again, and it worked once I corrected the size of the HDR file. For some reason the merged HDR file shrinks in size by a couple of pixels in both directions (from 6080x3040 to 6078x3038) from the originals and in doing so is no longer equirectangular! All good now. So much new to learn with all 360 photos and videos!! Have a great day and thanks again for coming to my rescue.


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@Emma Wood - That may be the result of the alignment process, which may automatically crop the image where there are no pixels at the margins of the shifted images.  You should check how this affects your panorama at the seam where the 360 edges join together.  A solution to this would be to mirror the edge pixels or each source image, top and bottom, left and right to add content around the edge seams.  Then, when the source images are aligned, the shifted edges that are cropped will not crop into the actual content, but the added sacrificial pixels.  Once the alignment and merge is made, you can crop the image back to its original (prior to adding pixels) dimensions, with a 2:1 aspect and the seams should be invisible.


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