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asset frames include pinned state

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In my current book there are a number of headers that are preceded by small graphic widgets. For example headers that are components of a checklist will be preceded by a checkbox widget. These are implemented as small image frames which include the widget image, which are pinned to the header. Currently I include the widget by selecting an existing instance of the widget, copying it, placing the text cursor at the front of the text of the header, and pasting. The result is a pinned frame nicely aligned with the text. I would very much like to include the widgets in an asset collection. Selecting an instance and adding it to assets from the selection works fine, although I have no idea if the pin gets included. In any case, if the asset is dragged onto the page the pin is not there. What I am requesting is the same select/copy/paste functionality that I am currently using, but with the source being an asset collection.

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