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Server CLI to use Erase White Paper (for web developers)

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I'm a web dev & photographer. Affinity Photo's 1.) automatic masking to remove white backgrounds, and 2.) "Erase White Paper", are INCREDIBLE! They work PERFECTLY, including inside holes in a product. Much better than I've seen elsewhere.

But it is extremely tedious work to do this manually for all photos. I'd love to automate Erase White Paper at the server level (like we do for resize & trim currently)--to enforce consistency for ALL our images. Then Affinity is used for creative tasks.

Feature request: I'd LOVE to see Affinity create an open source tool on Github for 'Erase White Paper'! Or to contribute it to libvps, which is used by Sharp.

It would win HUGE goodwill among the open source community to see this contributed by Affinity--because it's not something Adobe would do--& it's a key thing missing from Sharp. Thanks!



Edited by Siland
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Update: The approach used by Affinity's auto-masking (simply opening a product image by Affinity) would be the ideal approach to removing white background in such a tool, because apparently "Erase White Paper" causes reduced transparency inside the product on medium to light colors.

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