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Can I use Affinity to self publish a book of poems, irregular lines, with cover, TOC and page numbers? I have a book of poems, or two or three.

It needs to be edited for proper table of contents page numbers and margins. Each poem has

its own format. I have a cover as well.

I used Pagemaker decades ago. 

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I am also putting my first book of poems together.  
I've learned a lot and about 2.5 weeks ago started with Affinity Publisher.

Have about 100 pages 9" high x 12" wide now and that is my limit.
Mixture of 75% poetry and 25% my photos that support the theme in a specific poem.

Until this morning I was very impressed with Aff. Pub. but now I've got a mess - loosing a 1/2 day so far as their software 1.8.4, latest has several bugs in it.  

You may want to follow my post that I put up a couple of hours ago.
I developed software before I retired so I know the industry.
I'm getting the impression that support comes from the USERS of the software and not Affinity.

Have you decided to do hardcover or paperback?
To do offset printing I'm finding prices high and they want 1,000 min. run but quality is excellent.
Digital is not as good of quality but runs can be much less BUT cost per book is much higher.

It was over the weekend that I was putting the TOC and page numbers AND that is when all of the problems started with tools locking up, pull down menu's not responding. links to photo in an external folder being dropped on shut down and reopen, etc.  


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