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Do you mean that:
* the whole text frame slants, or;
* just one of the three columns slants while the others are vertical, or;
* all of the text slants within vertical columns, or;
* all of the text in one column slants while the rest of the text is vertical, or;
* something else?
Would you be able to supply a screen grab so we can see what is happening?
If it’s what I think then you may have accidentally set the Shear for the Text Frame in the Transform Panel to something other than 0.


That’s weird. I’ve never seen that before.
Is the text which is slanted definitely in the text frame we can see – which isn’t slanted – and not in another one (perhaps behind, or in a master page)?
Would you be able to upload the document? (You can send it to me by PM if you don’t want it public.)


Thanks for following up. I actually got it resolved after uploading the screenshot. With your advice, I traced the problem to Transform Panel, adjusted the Text Frame shear to 0. That was it.

I used InDesign at CS3 version long before now. It appears AfP, though with similarities, has so many tools and controls, that learning curve could be steep. The more the use, the more surprises the one bumps into. Maybe detailed pdf user manual will help a lot.

Again, thanks..

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