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Hi there,

I notice when I shrink a grouped object and there is a shape with a stroke, (with or without dots and dashes) the stroke doesn’t shrink with the rest of the grouped objects so I have to manually adjust the shape independently from the rest of the group. I tried googling for help but and coverted to curves as suggested but still no luck. 

I don’t want to have to rasterise the group as I want to keep the potential for all the objects in the group to be editable and keep as Vector. This is also an issue when importing a Vector logo from Affinity Designer into Affinity Photo. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





17 hours ago, ErrkaPetti said:

There is a checkbox somewhere (I think in Stroke-Studio) that you can use - it says ”scale with objects”...

Im away from Mac/Win just now, but you may find it if you seek...

Hi Errka, Thanks so much.

I googled and found this too. If you select the whole group and click on the group with the pen tool , the stroke palette appears and I could then check the box from there. Thanks for your help and to Rory Townsend who made this helpful video.

Best wishes 



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