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I have an animation that is composed of 9 frames. I have separated each individual frame onto its own layer within Affinity Designer. Is there any way to have Affinity Designer (or Photo or Publisher) automatically lay out each frame onto a 3x3 animated sprite sheet? There are several plugins for Photoshop that do this kind of operation, but I cannot find anything similar for Affinity products.

If nothing is currently available, is there at least a way to make it so that using the transform tool will select the entire layer dimension and not automatically shrink itself down to the edges of the object on each layer? At least that way the transform center of my selection would be the layer center such that I could manually move my layers based off their layer center (vs the layer object's center).


Welcome to the forums.

As far as I know, none of the Affinity applications have any kind of automatic layout tools. If you want something in a particular place you have to move it yourself.

If you want to make each sprite the same size you can put each into an ‘invisible’ layer of the required size, like in my attached image. The rectangles have neither a fill nor a stroke and you can export the individual rectangle layers in slices or the whole ‘sheet’.

Does any of this help? If not, you may need to explain a bit more about what you need.

Annotation 2020-02-22 084122.png

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