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I am very new to Affinity and am very excited about finding this product. I have been trying to edit a cropped portion of a very old black and white bitmap image. The only image of a sign in the background of a photo taken of my grandparents grocery store. I had been searching for months for a way to edit that one portion of the photo and colorize it to make a print as a gift. I only found Affinity two weeks ago and have been searching on YouTube for tutorials on adding color. I have learned a lot about using vector and isolating each letter but I am not sure how to consolidate the layers of the image to stabilize the color of each character. I have not even gotten to the background. Can I find specific instruction online to help me understand this? Time is not on my side and I need to finish this project soon. I am using Picture and Designer. 

Any ideas or direction will be appreciated. 


Welcome to the forums.
Depending on the complexity of the image you might need a lot of time and experimentation.
Here are some links for Photo tutorials to get you started:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCfYrQNjBBw
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzM4dd9XhDw
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDW_vn_kizY
And here’s a link to a useful skin/hair colour guide: https://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?p=6572393&i=i137288720


You’re welcome.
I have not gone through any of the tutorials properly myself but they look, at first glance, to give a variety of techniques. You will probably have to pick different techniques from one or more of them to get what you need in your specific circumstances.
If you have any trouble with anything then just tell us, preferably with as much information as you can give (with images or screen-grabs if possible) to help anyone who is helping you.
Oh, and good luck.

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