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I have an automatic process where I pass a parameter into crystal reports, it will create a chart and print a pdf file.  I do this every month for maybe a hundred different parameters.  

For a landscape piece of paper, the chart that is created takes up the top left quadrant and everything else is whitespace.  

I need to import just the image -- eliminating the white space.  

Indesign had a feature called "crop to bounding box".  You got there by selecting the import options checkbox when placing the pdf file.  

This would do what I needed -- cropped the document to just the image and place it within the picture frame.  

I'm trying to see if publisher can do the same thing.  When I place the image and double click on it, I get the page box in the context toolbar that has several choices -- one of which is trimbox another is cropbox.  If I then go to edit document, I see the image with blue lines around it -- giving the impression the image would be cropped.  But I have not been able to figure out how to actually crop it and then transfer the image into the picture frame.   

The approach I'm using seems like the "right" approach but I'm missing some details.  Perhaps there is alternative way to do this within the file/place process -- similar to the crop to the bounding box  approach.  

Thanks for any inut.



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A placed PDF here is not treated as a bitmap image first of all, instead more as an embedded PDF document then, which when you open it via a double click is parsed and can be modified (it's PDF contents). So in your case it's overall more handled like an embeeded PDF doc here. - Using instead a bitmap image out of crystal reports as an embedded doc would allow to crop that one in a better manner than a PDF. - Other than what said so far, inside an APub picture box the contents can usually be realigned/resized/zoomed etc. so that only the intended/needed portions are shown at all, though the original embedded doc size would be kepts intact and not altered then.

See also the vector crop tool.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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