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Found 3 results

  1. I do a lot of work where I need to zoom in and out by quite a lot. For me, the scrubby zoom together with my pen tablet is just not sensitive enough and I need to make really large gestures. Instead, I would like it to be more sensitive, so that I can more comfortably zoom in and out in a single gesture instead of multiple large gestures. Here's a comparison with Illustrator's zoom speed, which I find preferable. So I am proposing to add a Zoom-speed option under the Preferences > Tools so users can set their preference and/ or change it on a per-project base if the need arises. 2022-09-13 12-38-10.mp4
  2. Greetings to all. I have a little problem with the zoom when using it in Publisher. I'm used to using "Spacebar" + "cmd" to zoom and "alt" to zoom out, but every time I use that shortcut combination the zoom goes to another page! both to decrease and to increase ..! is there any way to configure it? in affinity Designer when using that command set the zoom works perfectly! I hope any comment of help, thanks.!
  3. I've been having problems with the trackpad gestures, zoom in and out, and moving up and down, they are mixed, if I hold two fingers and move them up and down (the gesture that shuold be for scrolling up and down) it zoom in and out, and if I press with my two fingers and move them away from each other (gesture for zoom in and out) the document moves up and down. Moving sidewise is not affected. I've allready tried to fix it in the preference menu, but the only thing that kinda worked was restauring the preference setting to default, But after a few days the issue return, so I'm asking for help or for the developers to debug affinity designer, cuz it doesn't hapen in "photo"
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